Rising sea levels

 When thinking about our connection to the sea I started to think about the very real possibility of sea-level rise due to climate change and the melting of the polar ice caps, this is where I found this website where you can see the extent of sea-level rise on a map in your area.

I found this map called surging seas which aims to detail what rising seas will llook like on our maps, I decided to look at Portsmouth not only because it is where I currently am but also because I would assume it would be one of the hardest hit areas when it comes to sea level rising. 

Simply moving the sea level to 1 foot above current levels the sea rushes into portsmouth, pretty much filling up the common and getting into parts of southsea closes to the sea. Along with this it also reaches into Old Portsmouth and Milton Common, its so strange thinking that these areas would be underwater so quickly after such a small sea level change however this is becoming a very real and scary prospect that will happen within my life time.

The map allows you to go up to 10 feet and at this hight great swathes of portsmouth are plunged into the water, along with this Gosport follows it. Its really scary to think these areas that I know and have now lived in and around for 4 years could be underwater if climate change is not averted, the idea of driven out of your home and having to relocate because of flooding. Just thinking about the amount of money this could cost someone is scary all becuase you live near the sea, river or low lying land. 

While I think living near the sea or bodies of water can have a calming affect on people, the long term uncertainty of flooding and climate change can have a negative effect on people and be very detrimental.


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