Poster Feedback


We then took the posters to a group session where I got feedback from my tutor and the rest of the class, this was a really useful session as it helped me to understand where I need to go and potential ways in which I could connect each project idea. At the start when I laid out all three posters people in the class were asked to pick which one was their least favourite, like me they picked the left poster "sea & plastics" to most of the class they just found this one the most boring and I would agree with this. While the subject matter of pollution and rubbish in the sea is very important I feel this subject has been done to death and adding my voice on top of the others would not make my project interesting, even if I had a different way of approaching the subject matter.

Out of the two remaining posters, the class and the tutor were more interested and connected better with the "calming waves" poster.

One of the reasons was because they liked the look of the poster but also the more interesting point was the idea behind the poster and what I wanted to do. They liked the idea of looking into why we find peace and comfort by the sea and large bodies of water and felt that I could create an interesting project from this idea, along with this they suggested an idea that I hadn't thought about yet.

The suggestion was that both the idea of mental health and stars/navigation work quite well together, thinking that while people find the sea good for their mental health do they also find a starry sky calming as well. Along with this idea that mental health is a journey and you need to learn how to navigate it, much like how we learnt to navigate via the stars but it took a long time which works well as an analogy for mental health struggles and growth in mental health. Being able to have these different viewpoints on a possible project idea is so useful to me as after a while I feel like I get tunnel vision focusing on one project idea that I can't step back and see where else I could go or other connections I could create. Without this feedback session, I would never have been able to see these connections before or be able to say with such knowing that one idea should just be thrown out, I think I now have a direction which I can now explore and search further with.


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