Water and Happiness


It was really interesting reading through this article about this phenomenon of people being happier or having better mental health when they are near a body of water, the article talks about how people living with 1km or 5km are "associated with better general and mental health" this got me onto thinking about which countries are the happiest in the world and if this was to do with how close the countries are to bodies of water.

In this ranking conducted by World Population Review we can see that the happiest country is Finland and looking at a map of their country I think my stupid hypothesis that surely the happiest country in the world must have a lot of water is true.

While this is very basic and the most top layer of the surface of this subject it is still really interesting that large bodies of water seem to have this effect on us and our mental health, I think this project could be really interesting if look into our seeming love affair with water and what causes this love.


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