The Sea and Pollution


Keeping with the theme of the sea I want to research further into plastic pollutions in the sea and the issues it is causing not only to the sea creatures but also ourselves. This is a very topical subject at the moment with groups like extinction rebellion creative massive upheavals in our cities and parliament, along with this it feels like everyone is talking about global warming and want some kind of change to begin to happen. I feel like I could create a very strong project about this subject, focusing on one problem like plastic in our oceans is a good idea as pollution is such a massive area that trying to do a whole project on it could easily become massive and too large to finish. I think for this I really need to focus down on what I want to say and do with this, I can't just say "our oceans are full of plastic, this is bad!" there isn't anything to this it is quite one-note as most people already know this and want to change. So what exactly do I want to say that is different or actually says something.


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