Begining Ideas


Our first task was to create a set of mindmap ideas that we are interested in and could do for our Masters, for this task we had to avoid using words and rather focus on using images to not cement our ideas. I have never done this type of ideation before, trying to keep my ideas free-flowing and open, I think I'm going to find this hard as I keep finding myself wanting to finally decide on an idea but hopefully if I force myself to keep this open type of ideation then I will be able to create a stronger project.

This is the first of my mindmaps, focusing on mental health and the focuses around it, this was the first mindmap I created and at first, it was hard to start but once I found my rhythm I was able to just find images and place them onto the page without much issue. My thoughts began to diverge from just mental health to the hospitals that deal with it and how many of us suffer from mental health and how invisible it is.

The second of my mindmaps was focused on global warming and our impacts, here you can see my thoughts move to the animals that are being affected by the earth warming and the groups that have grown out of the need to make a change and the protests that happen around the world.

The next two mindmaps were where my mind really went to things that fascinate me, the first being the idea of space travel and space itself, I put in this mindmap images of spacecraft, planets and images of light pollution as these are all topics that are so interesting to me.

The final mindmap I created has links back to my third-year project and looks at brutalism and the popular culture in the 60s and 70s, however, I'm not sure this will be best for me to pursue further as I have already done this last year and I don't really want to redo what I have already done.


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